We seek to develop unique healthcare projects as a public sector with total cooperation with Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia, as to cope with 2030 vision. Our health care projects are based on partnership with lead international healthcare organizations, which will add value not only to the medical sector in the Kingdom, but also to bring latest international technology to the Saudi market and the community.
We strive to offer our guests and customers the true experience of 'Arabian Hospitality' in the different parts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by establishing strategic partnerships with top global companies and utilising the best expertise in hospitality industry. We strive to excel in the hospitality industry by committing to and maintaining extremely high standards.
We build completely unique and ingenious experiences where you can order all the food you want, from across the world, in one window and pick up, altogether, at the next. With an aim to create the perfect balance of economic and environmental sustainability whilst promoting a modern lifestyle we lead the way in envisioning the future. Riva utilise high-performance systems and cutting-edge technology which enables them to construct such comprehensive and ambitious projects.
We intend to develop projects as to create communities. We believe that development, is a state of art, not only in architectural means but also as community standards. We tend to increase the level of living for the community we create through our development.
Saudi Arabia is a world leading in the field of Oil and Gas. It is ranked as the second country of exporting Oil and the proven second largest country in oil reserves (268 billion barrels) in the world. In alike, it is in the top five list in Gas Reserves. However, our projects in Oil & Gas are not limited to the Saudi market, on the contrary, we are developing projects in this field in countries that are developing in this sector and compliments. We believe, that with our experience gained from the Saudi market and global, we can manage with our strategic partners to succeed in bringing other primitive Oil & Gas markets to become elite in this sector; in compliance with international standards and more.
Earth is in full of natural resources that is resulted by thousands of years and God has provided it. We as RIVA, are keen to develop the usage of these natural resources, to be used in an efficient way without harming the earth’s environment and empowering management cycles. This Our investments in natural resources have extended from Saudi Arabia to other African and Asian countries such as, and not limited to, Turkmenistan developing for example POTASH product that is used for the worlds producing fertilizers for plants and agricultures in a purpose to improve qualities of fruits and vegetables as well. It is to improve a better food and future for the world.
We are in a region with almost 330 days of sunny weather. Therefore, sunlight is considered to be one of the most important and available renewable energy that can be developed and used. Today, Saudi Arabia, and as per the 2030 vision, has decided to shift from being fully dependent on Oil and Gas to produce electricity and energy to using Solar Energy resulted by the sun and else renewable energy techniques. We, as RIVA, are always developing our projects taking into consideration that renewable energy is always a part of our developments as well as sustainable energy. All of our projects are LEED sustainable, as per international standards and energy task is among priorities for elite energy productions.
Saudi Arabia Vision 2030 has put Tourism as one of the major business sectors that will be developed. RIVA as well, and coping with the 2030 vision, has made Tourism one of its main targets as to develop this sector. We are working on developing new ideas that are not yet present in the Saudi market and will support the touristic sector, and transfer it from a normal traditional tourism to modern up to date tourism, which will have direct impact on the Saudi economy.
Developing Industrial cities in a modern way, as to meet latest international standards in safety and sustainability. We totally believe, that industry is a major sector in supporting the economy and future. Developing new industrial cities with international standards is always of great benefits and is kept working with our strategic partners to shape competitive products.
RIVA’s strategy is think international and act international considering local cultures and approaches. This could result into extraordinary products. Since RIVA thinks on strategic levels, we are in the phase of initiating international offices in some places in the world and in the meantime, we are almost developing offices in South Korea as to be our arm office for international transaction related to the east. Also, we are in a stage to develop offices in Turkmenistan as we have already signed MOU with the Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialist that is representing Turkmenistan Government and could partner with their State Bank for some projects that feasibility studies, agreements, and plans are on pipe lines. Also, Africa has a good stake having plans to develop some projects in Tanzania and Zambia, of which due diligences and developments are under process.